Materiality Topics:Fusion (Innovation)

Based on its technology platform, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在努力融合内部和外部的各种利益相关者和公司,同时加快创新,以支持生命的基础,并继续为未来创造安心,以实现可持续发展的社会.

Basic Concept

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将“为地球而创新”作为其长期愿景的愿景声明,因此非常重视创新,将其作为实现这一愿景的重要推动力. 在包括气候变化在内的一系列极其困难和紧迫的社会问题中, 创新作为创造解决各种问题的新手段的渠道正变得越来越重要.
Based on our Long-term Vision, Vision 2030, 根据十大赌博娱乐平台目前的中期管理计划,十大赌博娱乐平台还确定了增强领域,以实现现有业务的进一步增长和创新领域,以在每个业务领域创建新的业务平台. In line with this endeavor, we took steps to review our technology platform. In addition, 十大赌博娱乐平台发起了一个集团范围内的创新圆桌会议倡议,作为一个论坛,定期考虑商业机会和跨业务领域的技术组合. In this manner, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力加强十大赌博娱乐平台的创新能力,作为整个集团的综合实力. In the next Medium-term Management Plan, we will further strengthen and accelerate Group-wide innovation. At the same time, 十大赌博娱乐平台将通过注重外部协作和开放式创新,快速创造新的价值,增强解决社会问题的能力.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将新产品和项目的数量确定为当前中期管理计划下的增强领域创新KPI. In fiscal 2022, 十大赌博娱乐平台在某些业务领域的产品开发中遇到了困难. 因此,与上一财年相比,结果略有下降. 此外,再次加强努力,创造新的产品和项目, 十大赌博娱乐平台会在下一个中期管理计划中,为创新范畴订定创新关键绩效指标,加快创新步伐,以达致长远愿景.


System to promote innovation

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台认识到创新的源泉在于其核心技术. Against this backdrop, 十大赌博娱乐平台将特别具有竞争力的技术和需要加强的技术定义为集团的技术平台(tpf)。. While working continuously to strengthen TPFs, 在提出每项中期管理计划时进行审查. 根据上述情况,已为下一个中期管理计划确定了26个方案规划基金. In addition, 十大赌博娱乐平台有一个合适的系统来任命领导来推动每个TPF作为专业职位(s -职位)的技术提升。. S positions consist of four grades from S1 to S4. In fiscal 2022, 38 employees were appointed as S positions Group-wide. S职位负责推动每个TPF的持续技术改进,并培训下一个技术领导者.

  • 05-45

The status of innovation initiatives is regularly monitored by the R&D Committee. Discussions with top management are underway to further strengthen innovation.

  • 10-18

Roles of the R&D Committee

  • Determine Group-wide R&D basic policies regarding next-generation business creation
  • Determine Group-wide R&D themes and action plans regarding next-generation business creation
Major Initiatives

Internal and External Technology Fusion

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台认识到内部部门和外部各方之间的合作对于促进创新非常重要. 集团积极开展内部和外部技术合作, which we refer to as fusion.
As far as internal fusion is concerned, SEKISUI CHEMICAL R&D中心协同内部各相关部门,从三大核心技术出发,推动与各事业部公司的融合, planning, and development fusion perspectives.
Turning to the fusion of core technologies, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台举办了几次全集团范围的信息科学研讨会, a fundamental technology integrated into the R&D Center. In addition, 十大赌博娱乐平台通过支持采用材料信息学的部门公司发展主题,努力提高数据科学的水平.
From a planning fusion perspective, 通过各部门公司的规划部门与R .的规划人员之间的合作,已采取了成功的步骤来创造新的发展主题&D Center. Here, we are beginning to see enhanced fusion effects emerge.
Regarding development, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在通过一种机制来促进融合,在这种机制中,公司总部支持跨部门公司边界的发展主题.
We are also actively engaged in open innovation, which is the fusion of technology with external parties. 近年来,十大赌博娱乐平台一直在与拥有独特技术的初创公司合作. 通过建立一个专门的部门,并参与将十大赌博娱乐平台与许多初创公司联系起来的项目, we aim to further strengthen and accelerate open innovation.
积极追求这种融合,沿着重要的发展主题线与外部各方, 该集团目前正在开发的钙钛矿太阳能电池被选为与东京大学和立命馆大学合作的国家开发项目. 进一步加快向实用化方向发展的规划已经到位.
We have also entered into a partnership with ArcelorMittal, S.A.作为全球最大的钢铁公司之一,中国钢铁集团将寻求一项碳回收技术项目. 十大赌博娱乐平台计划使用十大赌博娱乐平台的创新技术来减少炼钢过程中的二氧化碳排放.

Performance Data
  • 09-01

R&D Expenditures / R&D Expenditures to Revenues